CCO - 230 - Software Engineering
Total of Credits: 8
Hours for Theoretical Classes: 60
Hours for Exercises or Seminars: 60
Learning techniques and methodologies for software development with quality. Learning the state-of-the-art in specification methodologies and languages. Using techniques and methodologies to build software in the whole software lifecycle. Learning and using varied tools for software development. Analysing, designing and implementing software requirements. Learning techniques and strategies for guaranteeing, verifying and maintaining software integrity.
Catalog Description
- Introduction to software engineering and process models
- Software quality
- Software planning
- Concepts and techniques for analysis and design
- Concepts and techniques for user interface
- Management of software configuration and maintenance
- Reverse engineering, reengineering and reusability of software
- Software testing and validation
- Emerging trends in software engineering
Main Bibliography
- PRESSMAN, Roger S.; MAXIM, Bruce R.: Engenharia de software: uma abordagem profissional. 8. ed. Porto Alegre: AMGH, 2016. ISBN 9788580555332.
- SOMMERVILLE, Ian. Engenharia de software. 9. ed. São Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2011. ISBN 97885793611081;
- PFLEEGER, S. L.; ATLEE, J., Software Engineering, 3rd. ed., Addison Wesley, 2005.
- Artigos em periódicos da área como IEE-TSE, IEEE-Software, IEEE-Computer, Software Quality Journal e outros.
Complementary Bibliography
- HUMPHREY, Watts S. A discipline for software engineering. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1995. 789 p. (SEI Series in Software Engineering). ISBN 0-201-54610-8.
- ENGINEERING and managing software requirements. Berlin: Springer, 2006. AURUM, Aybüke; WOHLIN, C.(Eds.), 478 p. (Institute for nonlinear science). ISBN 3-540-25043-3