CCO - 310 - Research Methodology

Total of Credits: 8
Hours for Theoretical Classes: 60
Hours for Exercises or Seminars: 60


To present the nature, types, stages, and actors of scientific research to prepare students to conduct their research using appropriate methods and tools. To promote discussion and awareness of ethical issues in research and researchers' responsibilities for related issues. To familiarize students with scientific writing standards, types of monographs, parts of an article and presentation of papers.

Catalog Description

  • What is science, types of science, what is scientific and non-scientific research, types of research, research methods
  • Research development stages, research work cycle
  • Bibliographic survey - methods for bibliographic research, ad-hoc research, systematic mapping, and systematic review
  • Dissemination of scientific research - writing: scientific writing characteristic, parts of an article, types of monographs
  • Dissemination of scientific research - presentation: oral presentation, poster presentation
  • Research ethics - fraud, plagiarism, predatory journals, forms of research misconduct, ethics committees, monitoring of research misconduct
  • Evaluation of research work - how to evaluate a research work, how to communicate the result of an evaluation.

Main Bibliography

  1. WAZLAWICK, R.S. Metodologia de pesquisa para Ciência da Computação, 184p. Editora Campus/Elsevier. 2009. ISBN: 9788535235227
  2. BARROS, A. J. S.; LEHFELD, N. A. S. Fundamentos de Metodologia Científica, 3ª. Edição, 158p. Editora Pearson. 2008. ISBN: 9788576051565
  3. NAKAGAWA, E. Y.; SCANNAVINO, K. R. F.; FABBRI, S. C. P. F.; FERRARI, F. C. Revisão Sistemática da Literatura em Engenharia de Software. 1a Edição. Elsevier. 2017. ISBN: 9788535286410
  4. ALUÍSIO, S. M.; DAYRELL, C.; FELTRIM, V.; LEVKOWITZ, H.; OLIVEIRA R, O.N.; SCHUSTER, E.; TAGNIN, S. e O; ZUCOLOTTO, V. Writing Scientific Papers in English Successfully: Your Complete Roadmap. 1. ed. ANDOVER, Massachusetts:, Inc., 2014. v. 1. 192p