CCO - 229 - 14 - Topics in Software Engineering: Complex Data Management and Recovery
Total of Credits: 8
Hours for Theoretical Classes: 60
Hours for Exercises or Seminars: 60
To study concepts related to complex data management: storage, indexing and retrieval by content of metric data.
Catalog Description
- Introduction: complex data (e.g. images, audio, long texts, genetic sequences));
- Metric data and spatial data
- Metric access methods
- Feature extraction and metrics
- Similarity queries
- Case studies: images
Main Bibliography
- Edgar Chávez, Gonzalo Navarro, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, José Luis Marroquín, Searching in metric spaces, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), v.33 n.3, p.273-321, 2001.
- Traina, Jr., A. Traina , C. Faloutsos, B. Seeger, Fast Indexing and Visualization of Metric Data Sets using Slim-Trees, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, v.14 n.2, p.244-260, 2002.
- CARÉLO, C. C. M.; POLA, I. R. V.; CIFERRI, R. R.; TRAINA, A. J. M.; TRAINA-JR, C.; CIFERRI, C. D. A. The Onion-tree: quick indexing of complex data in the main memory. In: Proceedings of the 13th East European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS), Riga, Latvia, p. 1–17, 2009.
- ELMASRI, R.; NAVATHE, S.B. Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5th. Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2006.
Complementary Bibliography
- Pavel Zezula, Giuseppe Amato, Vlastislav Dohnal, Michal Batko, Similarity Search: The Metric Space Approach (Advances in Database Systems), Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., Secaucus, NJ, 2005.
- CIFERRI, R.R.; CIFERRI, C. D. A.; CARELO, C. C. M.; TRAINA JUNIOR, C. nsP-index: A Robust and Persistent Index for Nucleotide Sequences. In: East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, 2008, Pori, Finland. Proceedings of the 12th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems (ADBIS 2008), 2008. p. 28-41.
- CIFERRI, R. R.; NAKANO, M.; CIFERRI, C. D. A.; KUROSHU, R. M. ; BARAVIERA, J. J.; Silva, N.T.H.. Investigando o Desempenho da Estrutura de Indexação MRS com base na Geração de Genomas Sintéticos. In: Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática, 2006, Santiago do Chile, Chile. Memorias da XXXII Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática (CLEI 2006), 2006. p. 1-12.
- Outros artigos científicos indicados pelo docente responsável (Other scientific articles indicated by the responsible teacher).