CCO - 743 - Architectures for Digital Signal and Image Processing

Total of Credits: 8
Hours for Theoretical Classes: 60
Hours for Exercises or Seminars: 60


To study techniques for designing architectures for processing images and signals, the related languages and circuit technologies

Catalog Description

  • Introduction to architectures for digital image and signal processing
  • Digital Signal Processors (DSP)
  • Design of DSPs employing reconfigurable logic
  • Extending general purpose processors for signal processing workloads
  • High-performance computing systems for signal processing


1 - MITRA, S. K.; KAISER, J. F. (eds.), Handbook for Digital Signal Processing, John Wiley & Sons, 1993.

2 - LATHI, B. P., Signal Processing & Linear Systems, California, Berkeley-Cambridge Press, 1998.

3 - HENNESEY, J. L.; PATTERSON, D. A., Arquitetura de Computadores: Uma Abordagem Quantitativa, 3ª ed., Rio de Janeiro, Editora Campus, 2003.

4 - PERRY, D., VHDL: Programming by Example, 4th. ed., USA, McGraw-Hill, 2002.